
Showing posts from June, 2021

How to Effect Kangen water to Corona Virus

The Coronavirus pandemic has made the world realize the value of a healthy lifestyle. In the absence of a solution or vaccine, the most effective preventive solution has been to focus on immunity building. While there are many different super foods and supplements touted to boost the immune system, most of us miss out on considering the health benefits of the most vital part of our daily existence – natural alkaline water with a pH of 9 and above. Scientists, Nobel Laureates and researchers have established that alkalinity can boost immunity and longevity by neutralizing free radicals and detoxing acid waste from the human body. According to Nobel laureate Dr Otto Warburg an alkaline body can absorb up to 20% more oxygen than an acidic body. His award-winning research on respiratory enzymes found that diseased bodies are acidic bodies, which repel oxygen and attract the overgrowth of disease-causing microorganisms. “No disease, not even cancer can exist in an alkaline environment.” his...